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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.

Tech Tips: Tagging for Writers

Tracking characters: it’s at the forefront of any writer’s mind when writing a script. Whether we’re tracking a character’s emotional arc, their interactions with other characters, or how many times they’ve scratched someone’s name off their kill lis...

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Tech Tips: Boneyard In the Beat Board

Great scripts aren’t written; they’re re-written.

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Tech Tips: Opening Files in Final Draft Go

With Final Draft Go, the ability to write scripts anytime, anywhere has never been easier. If you’ve noticed a new look to Final Draft Go, it’s because the app has been updated to make organizing, synching and writing your scripts even easier than be...

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Tech Tip: Non-Speaking Characters

Non-speaking characters: every script has them, and for good reason. A non-speaking character can be an extra, a background character, or even a character that literally doesn’t speak – maybe their sole purpose is to intimidate others like the re-ani...

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Tech Tip: Launching the Most Recent Document

You did it. You hit your writing quota for the day. Whether it’s 5, 10 or even 15 pages, you’ve successfully fulfilled your daily creative endeavor and have earned a well-deserved break, so go ahead and close Final Draft. Yes, you read that correctly...

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Tech Tip: Applying a Final Draft Template

Congratulations! You’ve just completed the first draft of your screenplay and you’re ready to go out into the world with hopes of turning it into a visionary cinematic experience. But wait! You just realized the story would work better as a stage pla...

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Tech Tip: Deleting a Character from the SmartType Menu

The SmartType feature is a helpful function designed to streamline the screenwriting process by auto-completing certain elements of your script, including Characters, Character Extensions (VO or O.S.), Scene Intros (Int. or Ext.), Times and Transitio...

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Tech Tip: Highlight Characters

A handy and lesser-known tool in Final Draft is Highlight Characters. The Highlight Characters tool is used to color-code individual characters and their dialogue, making table reads and scheduling and prepping for performances a breeze.

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Tech Tip: Importing from Another Word Processor to Final Draft 11

A question we often get asked is, “how do I import my script from another word processing program?” This is a good question because if done improperly, it can create significant issues within your script.

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