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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
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Tech Tip: New and Improved ScriptNotes™

Next to the ability to import a PDF, the ScriptNotes™ upgrades just may be tech's new favorite thing about Final Draft 12.

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Tech Tip: Track Changes vs. Revision Mode

To paraphrase Leonardo Da Vinci, a script is never finished; it is either produced or abandoned. In other words, rewriting is going to be a huge part of the process, all the way up until the final cut of your movie is released. While Final Draft has ...

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Tech Tip: Focus Mode

Sometimes the worst part of writing is the distractions. It never fails that when you are ready to get some serious writing done, everything seems to call your attention — the Internet, your phone, and sometimes even Final Draft’s many features.

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Tech Tip: 1-2-3 Method

With Final Draft 12’s improved Beat Board™, the Outline Editor™, and the outline elements, you can take an idea all the way up to a full script outline as easily as 1-2-3.

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Tech Tip: Working Remotely with Final Draft 11

While the world adjusts to changes on how we interact with each other, Final Draft is here to help guide you through collaborating with your writing partners in a virtual setting. Whether you’re in a TV writers’ room, or a classroom, Final Draft is h...

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Tech Tips: Using Scene View to Organize Your Story Beats

A lot of writers use the Beat Board and Story Map to lay out their story in a non-linear way, but if you’re someone who prefers a more linear, A-then-B-then-C approach to structuring a plot, Final Draft 11 has another way that might work for you.

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Tech Tips: Alternate Dialogue

You’re not sure whether the most hilarious comeback line to use is “So’s your mother!” or “I know you are but what am I?” You think the kid should say “I want my two dollars” but your writing partner believes “You owe me two dollars” is far better. Y...

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Tech Tip: ScriptNotes in the Navigator

Of all the features in Final Draft 11 designed to help you track, brainstorm, bookmark and edit your story’s ideas, ScriptNotes may be the most obvious; annotating a script is probably as old as the craft itself. New ideas, edits, questions, links to...

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Tech Tip: Reformatting

Sometimes paragraphs in Final Draft are inadvertently misformatted – Action paragraphs mistakenly render as character names, Scene Headings look like Transitions, lines of dialogue look like Parentheticals.

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