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Tech Tips: Sending off some of your screenplay

July 27, 2021
2 min read time

Every now and then you’ll need to pull a selection of pages out of your full script. Maybe you want a critique solely on Act Two, or a competition is asking for the first 15 pages, or you want to see how the script reads if you start it on page 60. Luckily, Final Draft 12 makes pulling excerpts out of your script very easy.

If you simply want to move a selection of pages to their own Final Draft document, all you need to do is click and drag to highlight the relevant sections, and press CMD+C (CTRL+C) on your keyboard to copy those sections.

Then go to File > New to make a new document and press CMD+V (CTRL+V) to paste the text. Ta-da! Your pages in a new file, ready to go.

What if instead of excerpting those pages into a new Final Draft document you want to print only a selection, or make a PDF of just a few pages? That’s easy, too. First, go to File > Print. Under Print Range you can select either a range of pages or scenes to snip out; i.e., if I want pages 15 through 30, I would select Print Range and then type in 15-30.

Then, I would select Print to print out just those pages, or PDF to save those pages as a PDF.

Now you can pull excerpts out of your script whenever and however you like!

Happy writing!

Untitled Document