Final Draft Blog
All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.
Write On: Teenage Euthanasia's Co-creators Alissa Nutting and Alyson Levy
Adult Swim’s animated sitcom Teenage Euthanasia is back for season 2. Set in a futuristic Florida, the Fantasy family is back at it with comedy and unbearable suffering. The show’s cast includes Cheer’s alum Bebe Neuwirth. Final Draft sat down with t...
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10 Struggles Only Screenwriters Understand
We’ve all been there. You’re hyped to start writing, under the naively confident impression that your creative juices are flowing and you’re about to type up masterful scene after masterful scene. Step One: Open your latest project in Final Draft. St...
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How to Write a Fantastic Plot Twist
Psycho. Get Out. The Usual Suspects. The Sixth Sense. These are all examples of movies with some of the greatest plot twists of all time. Let’s face it – you might not remember every scene of these films, but you definitely know the plot twist that m...
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How to Make Your Characters Sound Different on the Page
If you were to take a scene for your latest screenplay, remove the names and read it out loud, would you know which characters were saying which lines? Or do they all kind of sound the same?
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The Bricks of Breaking In: Kung Fu Writer Richard Lowe On The Power of Persistence
Kung Fu’s Richard Lowe didn’t come from a family of storytellers. His parents had their own business and conversations around the dinner table rose out of newspaper articles that Lowe’s mom clipped from the local paper. Although Lowe didn’t really ma...
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7 Accounts To Follow On TikTok For Screenwriters
Need some bite-size storytelling inspiration? These TikTok accounts are great for aspiring, working, and professional screenwriters who want to continue to grow, get insight into the nitty gritty details of the craft and business, and get motivation ...
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What Kind of Writer Are You? Plotters, Pantsers and Plantsers
Every writer has their own style when it comes to finding inspiration for a story, plotting out the beginning, middle and end, then sitting down and actually writing it (the hard part!). There are three fun terms used in the writing community to iden...
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Write Like It’s the Last Thing You’ll Ever Write!
Writing like it’s the last thing you’ll ever write might sound overdramatic to some people, but writing is all about having the right mindset.
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What is a Plot Twist?
Warning: There are plot twist movie spoilers in this article. A great movie employs a number of ways to hook an audience and keep them emotionally invested in the story for the duration of the film. Sometimes it’s a greatly empathetic character, like...
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What’s new in Final Draft 13?
Set goals and get valuable insights to take your work to the next level
A new typewriter-like view option improves your focus
Craft more realistic onscreen text exchanges and make your notes more emotive
And so much more, thoughtfully designed to help unleash your creativity.