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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.

Teaching Beat Board Techniques

This article will cover strategies for teaching Beat Board techniques to use as a tool in your classes on scriptwriting. For more comprehensive information on how to use the various functions of the beat board and story map, please check out this vid...

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Write On: 'A Family Affair' Writer Carrie Solomon

“I came up doing improv where failure is the golden standard. And in improv, if you're not failing, you're doing something wrong. I feel really lucky that that was one of my bridges into entertainment and creativity, to have such a loving relationshi...

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How Longlegs’ Terrifying Marketing Teaches You to Craft a Great Villain

Creating a killer is no easy task. Sure, writing villains can be fun as you dive into what makes them tick and what justifies their crimes against humanity. But making a villain terrifying is another story.

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6 Keys to Writing a Short Script

There are many reasons to write a script for a short film. Many emerging screenwriters will write, direct, and produce a short film to use as a calling card for their feature screenplays, either as a proof of concept for a specific feature script or ...

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How 'Space Cadet' Writer Turns Headlines into Female-Centric Comedy

Space Cadet is a new coming-of-age comedy starring Emma Roberts as Rex, a spunky young woman who’s always dreamed about becoming an astronaut and going into space. Unfortunately, her trajectory is thwarted when her mother passes away. Feeling a deep ...

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Character Breakdown: Will Homelander Get a Redemption Arc in 'The Boys'?

The Boys is a chaotic and violent satire that explores a world where superheroes abuse their powers—and the most powerful supe of all is Homelander (Antony Starr). With abilities like superhuman strength, speed, hearing, and sight (including x-ray vi...

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Why Feedback Is Vital for Every Screenwriter

Getting feedback on what you’ve written is vital to the screenwriting process. You will likely rewrite your script a few times after reading it. However, after you’re happy with what you wrote and decide your script is finished, it’s still a good ide...

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This Is What Managers Look for in a Script

These days it’s uncommon for a screenwriter to sell a script or get an agent without being repped by a manager beforehand. Management companies have become the de facto filtering system of the screenplay marketplace.

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Screenwriter Spotlight: How Anna Klassen Turned Competition Wins into a Thriving Career

Finding your way into the Hollywood screenwriting circle is one of the hardest hurdles any aspiring writer has to face. However, there are several ways to break in. One of them is screenwriting competitions.

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