Sony's Screen Gems has bought Mike Scannell's horror-thriller "Scarecrow" with Unbroken Pictures producing. Scannell’s spec script, set at a remote lake house, revolves around a mother and her two young daughters who must fight for survival after falling into a terrifying and bizarre nightmare conceived by a psychopath.
Mike won the Action/Adventure category in last year's Final Draft Big Break Screenplay Writing Contest for the script "The Last Match". Mike had this to say about the competition and his recent sale:
‘I want to thank the people over at Final Draft for the inspiration and encouragement I received in last year's contest. Without a doubt, it was a major motivating force behind writing SCARECROW. It validated my work and gave me some much needed confidence in my writing. It's so hard to break into the industry, and having people like you supporting us struggling writers is invaluable.’
For more information on the contest visit our Big Break Screenwriting Contest page.