How Alix Reeves Won Big in a Screenwriting Contest
April 1, 2024
Screenwriting competitions can take your screenwriting career to the next level. Just ask Big Break Grand Prize winner Alix Reeves for her screenplay, QUEENPINS.
She was kind enough to detail how Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest not only helped her overcome her creative and professional obstacles but also reach new heights in her career.
Final Draft: What drew you to Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest?
Alix Reeves: Oddly enough, I was drawn to Final Draft’s Big Big Break after reading testimonials from past winners. What really moved me was when winners described the exposure they received during Big Break Week and afterward. It was all the impetus I needed, knowing that if I was fortunate enough to win I would would meet with key executives in my genre.
FD: How did working with Final Draft help you overcome obstacles and strategize the next steps in your career? Lead to any results like generals, calls, meetings, or opportunities?
AR: The interesting thing I didn’t know about is how Final Draft sets winners up with writing-career coaches. The sessions I had with my coach helped me deal with any hang-ups or anxieties I had regarding getting my work in the right hands. The coach also helped me plan out Big Break Week to make the most out of each meeting.
Because I had just parted ways with my manager, the Coverfly execs stepped in to help with a new manager search. It was an unexpected assistance I cannot be more grateful for. Geoffroy Faugerolas at Coverfly helped with selecting key management firms, helped with the query letter, and went above and beyond to reach out to managers on my behalf.
FD: Would you share how winning Final Draft Big Break Screenwriting Contest elevated your screenwriting journey by offering insights for fellow writers?
AR: First are the meetings with key producers and development executives at Netflix, Paramount TV, CW TV, Shudder, Vertigo, and others. Another unique perk was meeting and connecting with other writers actively working in the industry. Calling it a week is a slight misnomer since the Coverfly execs booked meetings for two weeks after Big Break and beyond. I’ve no doubt my career has shifted in a hugely positive direction via the connections I’ve made and it’s all because of Big Break.
Read More: Five Steps to Successful Pitching
Big Break Television Winner Alix Reeves
FD: If you could give a writer currently where you were a year ago one bit of advice, what would it be?
AR: The best advice I have is to polish your script to make it the very best it can be. Read winning scripts on Coverfly to see what sticks out about them. Write and rewrite as much as it takes. Once you feel ready, go ahead and enter Big Break, and don’t look back.
Because of Big Break, I’ve made friends and connections I would never have made a year ago. I’m excited about my writing career and the added success of having won such a prestigious competition.
Read More: Big Break: Screenwriting Contest for Career Success in Film and TV
Written by: Final Draft