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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.

The Weekend Movie Takeaway: Video Game IP Holders Rejoice As ‘Sonic the Hedgehog’ Sped to Box Office Glory

The Presidents Day long weekend proved especially fruitful for a certain speedy hedgehog, giving hope to video game intellectual property holders everywhere.

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The Fast Five: Experimental Storytelling, Bringing 'Friends' Back and 'Hunters' Brings 1970's NYC to LA

I hope everybody enjoyed their Presidents Day long weekend and is ready to get back to work. Let’s start with catching up on five stories that may have slipped under the radar while you were wearing your Abraham Lincoln hat and chopping down cherry t...

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Weekend Writing Inspiration: Reboot Your Writing Habit

Habit building and maintaining is a continuing journey, one which requires refinement and up-leveling over time. As Charles Duhigg wrote in The Power of Habit, “...once you understand that habits can change, you have the freedom—and the responsibilit...

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The State Of Television Part 1: The Birth Of Peak TV

When John Landgraf took to the stage at the Television Critics Association’s annual press tour in 2015 he dramatically declared, “There is simply too much television.” He warned that the industry had quickly become an unsustainable bubble about to bu...

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The Weekend Movie Takeaway: ‘Parasite’ Takes Top Hollywood Prize at the Oscars While ‘Birds of Prey’ Flies Into The Box Office #1 Spot

It was a big weekend in Hollywood as a historic night at the Oscars® threatened to blow the lid off “traditional” narrative and the box office results saw an expected superhero blockbuster fall somewhat flat.

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Write On with 'The Goldbergs' Staff Writer Aadip Desai

The Goldbergs staff writer Aadip Desai discusses his path to getting hired on the show, what being a staff writer actually means, and the importance of self-care for writers.

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The Fast Five: The Oscars® Are Over With Surprising Results, While ‘Hamilton’ Breaks Another Record and Disney Flies Under the Radar

Awards season is finally over! Now we get seven months of peace—until the Emmy® Awards pull us right back in. On the plus side, the ending was not the anti-climactic one everybody expected. Turns out Parasite wasn't the only movie making history this...

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Five Screenwriting Takeaways From ‘Knives Out’

Your weekly break-down of a popular movie or television episode to see what a screenwriter—or any writer, for that matter—can take away from what’s on screen: what worked, what didn’t, and how you can use what’s popular to craft better stories.

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WGA Awards 2020: Raw Humanity Sweeps the Stage

Photo courtesy of The Writers Guild of America, West

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