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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.

Uriel Rodriguez is Rising Through The Ranks

The excitement 31-year-old Uriel Rodriguez feels as he heads to work for his entry-level position at Sony Entertainment in Hollywood can only be described as authentically pure; Rodriguez displays a resounding sense of pride and humility for a man wh...

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The Fast Five: Censored Articles Find a Home In Videogames As The Industry Hits The $100 Million Mark

I hope everybody’s safe and healthy. Wash your hands. Cough into your sleeve. Make sure you have fourteen days’ worth of supplies, but don’t buy six months’ worth—it means twelve people won’t be able to get their two weeks’ worth and will have to go ...

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Five Takeaways: 'Big Time Adolescence'

Your weekly break-down of a popular movie or television episode to see what a screenwriter—or any writer, for that matter—can take away from what’s on screen: what worked, what didn’t, and how you can use what’s popular to craft better stories.

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Weekend Writing Inspiration: 7 Steps on How to Develop a Plot

What should you do when your writing strengths lie with character but not with structure? When your dialogue sparkles and your characters walk off the page but you struggle with plot points and story structure, it’s hard to know what to do to right t...

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Women Screenwriters Over 40 Find Their Champion In Meryl Streep and The Writers Lab

Are you a 40+ female with a script you’re dying to develop? Then The Writers Lab is for you. Presented by co-founders Elizabeth Kaiden and Nitza Wilon, along with founder Kyle Stokes, The Lab evolved from a discussion about what’s it’s like to be a w...

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10 Benefits to Entering Screenwriting Competitions

Spring just around the corner can mean different things to us writers. On top of opening the windows a little more often, it may mean reexamining how writing resolutions are holding up, selecting a show to spec for your WB Fellowship application, upd...

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#NewFilmmakers - Kieren Van Den Blink Screens 'Fingernail Moon' at Paramount Studios

Fingernail Moon is an ambitious short film from first-time filmmaker Kieren van den Blink. The movie is a slice of life set in van den Blink’s hometown of Hightstown, New Jersey. The short tracks the reunion of two old friends who have something deep...

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Five Takeaways: ‘The Invisible Man’

Your weekly break-down of a popular movie or television episode to see what a screenwriter—or any writer, for that matter—can take away from what’s on screen: what worked, what didn’t, and how you can use what’s popular to craft better stories.

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Write On with Literary Manager & New Big Break Judge Matt Koss

Zero Gravity's Matt Koss is our newest Judge on the Big Break Contest and discusses his role as a development executive, his latest transition into literary management, what he's looking for in a writer and more.

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