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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.

5 Screenwriting Takeaways: ‘Morbius’ tells a comic book Jekyll & Hyde tale

Dr. Michael Morbius is a genius. He’s a biochemist who received a Nobel Prize for creating synthetic blood that can be used in place of real blood, thereby reducing the need for human donation. This invention has saved countless lives, and yet he can...

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History of TV: In a galaxy far, far away, 'The Clone Wars' were.

Before Reylo—I mean, the sequel trilogy—revived the Star Wars franchise, Star Wars: The Clone Wars premiered as a bridge between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. This prequel trilogy era cartoon debuted as a film first before becoming on...

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The Bricks of Breaking In: Krista Carpenter on finding representation

Seeking representation can feel like a mystery for writers. How do you know when you’re ready for a rep? How do you connect?

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Writer-Director Brendan Muldowney on his new horror 'The Cellar'

Photo courtesy of SHUDDER / RLJE Films. As a current Californian, I cannot remember the last time I walked into a basement. While in my home state of Michigan, every home is equipped with one. Some are fully furnished living areas and others are just...

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2021 Big Break Grand Prize Winner David Page on keeping the file open

David Page isn’t a stranger to prestigious screenwriting contests. As a multi-quarter finalist, semi-finalist and finalist for contests like The Academy Nicholl Fellowship, the PAGE Awards, ScreenCraft and the Austin Film Festival, Page’s scripts are...

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Focus Mode & other features we love for screenwriting

You want to write a television or movie script. You’ve got the spark, even the motivation… but creative writing isn’t always easy. Oftentimes, a novice writer doesn’t know where to begin or where to take their story. Even a professional scriptwriter ...

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5 Screenwriting Takeaways: 'Everything Everywhere All At Once'

At first glance, the premise of Everything Everywhere All At Once is simple. Nothing is more certain in life than death and taxes, and right, now unpaid taxes are coming for Evelyn Wang (Michelle Yeoh). While working herself silly at her failing laun...

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Screenwriter Chris Pittas proves you don't have to win, to win

Screenwriter Chris Pittas recently placed in Final Draft’s Big Break Screenwriting Contest. Although the triumph didn’t lead to taking the top prize, it still opened some incredible industry doors, proving you don’t have to win a contest to win at th...

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5 Screenwriting Takeaways: ‘RRR’ tells the tale of 1920s India

An epic three-hour film takes the audience on a wild and visually stunning ride as it follows two fictitious revolutionaries who achieve legendary status as they help fight for the independence of their country in 1920s India.

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