Mo Moshaty
Mo Moshaty is a genre author, therapist and screenwriter as well as co-producer of the 13 Minutes of Horror Film Festival featured on The Shudder Channel. Mo is the creator of the course, “Writing Trauma Respectfully for Screen” and was a Guest Lecturer for Prairie View A&M University Film and TV Program. As a core member of Nyx Horror Collective, she has recently partnered with Stowe Story Labs to provide a fellowship for women writers over 40 working in the genre. You can find Mo's Podcast, Between the Bannisters, where she interviews creatives on the movie that shaped them, on Apple Podcasts. Mo's most recent literary work can be found in "A Quaint and Curious Volume of Gothic Tales", published by Brigid's Gate Press and "206 Word Stories" by Bag O' Bones Press.
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