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Final Draft Blog

All the tips, tricks and information you need to inspire your writing!
Read interviews with the pros, catch up with industry news, and listen to Write On: A Screenwriting Podcast by Final Draft.

Week 4: Lee Jessup on What Writers CAN Do Now

rLee answers your questions and talks more about what writers CAN be doing during the COVID-19 crisis.

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The Fast Five: Netflix’s ‘Tiger King’ Has Police Asking Questions and ‘SXSW’ Heads to Streaming

There is an unprecedented amount of entertainment being made available for home viewing now that we’re all confined to our homes. Try something new, from independent film festival movies to blockbuster HBO shows—or you can use your free time to help ...

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Week 3: Lee Jessup on What Writers CAN Do Now

Lee answers your questions and talks more about what writers CAN be doing during the COVID-19 crisis. Have questions for Lee? Submit them to us via Youtube, Twitter or Facebook though Monday 4/6! Interested in UCLAex's free classes? You can check the...

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Weekend Movie Takeaway: Screen Narrative In COVID-19

We're a ways off from determining the new normal, or even knowing how long that new normal may last, but every day sees developments in the film industry at least toward a unified future, with a hint of what collective movie-going will look like. The...

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The Fast Five: Drive-Ins, Dog Sports and Free Trials

We’re all indoors with plenty of time to kill, so why not use this situation as an excuse to teach yourself some new skills, and finally finish that screenplay or film project you put down for one reason or another? And if you’re not in the mood for ...

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Weekend Movie Takeaway: Screen Narrative Evolution In the Time of COVID-19

Well, going to the movies is out for now...

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The Fast Five: The Digital Pitch Era Has Arrived

It’s an interesting time as everybody in the industry begins working from home and meetings shift to the virtual world. Television festivals scramble to adapt as well and have started launching digital marketplaces to still give exhibitors a chance t...

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How The Coronavirus Is Impacting Productions, Guilds, and All of Hollywood

As the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak spreads across the world, its impact is being felt in the global economy, by individuals and in business from the travel industry to Hollywood. Productions are being postponed, events are being canceled, and emp...

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Coronavirus: 7 Ways To Cope During a Crisis As a Writer

Fear and panic (not to be confused with the shape-shifting imps, Pain and Panic, from Disney’s Hercules, which also seem apt considering the circumstances) are spreading as fast as COVID-19 these days. In response to the global pandemic, we’ve either...

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