Screenwriting Blog | Final Draft®

Getting Social

Written by Admin | June 15, 2022

When I began to take my writing seriously, and truly thought I could make a career out of it, I knew that I would have to one day confront the 3-headed online demon-beast. There’s no escaping the fact that as a professional writer, or any other kind of artist, you need to market yourself. You’re not just marketing yourself to managers and producers, but to the people who might be able to introduce you to them.

Social media is your 4-dimensional resume. We all know that there’s a chance that any employer is going to look at your social media to see if:

  1. You’re not a psycho con-artist
  2. What special thing makes you a stand-out candidate.

Even if you hate social media (like I do), anyone can learn how to use it as a valuable asset. You don’t have to be a teenage Influencer to tame the demon-beast and make it your very own cuddly pet that fetches you career opportunities.

Let’s start with surprisingly the #1 best free resource for screenwriters: Twitter

It’s been said that Twitter (at its best) is like a cocktail party full of opinionated guests spouting bon mots and replying in kind. Who’s better at quips and queries than a writer? Specifically, writers whose work centers around dialogue and story-telling!

 If you haven't already, check out #screenwriting, ​​#scriptchat, #amwriting, #screenwriting, or variations on those hashtags and the world of advice, support, and career opportunities that they bring. This is where screenwriters, producers, managers, script-readers, actors, crew, and really everybody in the movie and tv industry come to talk shop. While the rest of Twitter is hurling Q-anon dung at each other, #ScreenwritingTwitter is quietly, consciously, going about the business of crafting and promoting screenplays. This isn’t a cocktail party, this is a professional writers’ networking event.

It kinda freaks me out how nice people are over in this little corner of the internet. There might be the occasional light-hearted “drama” over bold sluglines or use of camera directions, but that’s all. Anyone who comes in hot with negative critical bullshit, even (or especially) if it’s about craft- or content-related, will get ignored, blocked, or kicked out of the venue. We’re here to work, encourage, console, be consoled, advise, be advised. Good vibes only. That’s not because of some imposed hippy-dippy ethos but because we’re all trying to make our best impressions on potential work colleagues.

Start by introducing yourself:

"Any other sci-fi romantic thriller feature writers featuring BIPOC LGBTQ characters out there?”

Oh yeah, there’s a ton. They’ll say hi and give advice on craft, business, and yes vegan recipes (without judgment). Post your contest laurels (Oh! That’s what laurels are for!). Post how psyched (or frustrated) you are about whatever project you're working on. Post how grateful you are for whatever writing-related job, sale, or win you get. Congratulate others on their achievements. Console them on their setbacks. They’ll do the same.


Instagram, while less of a direct-communication-oriented platform is still a great resource and a very flashy resume piece. Every contest placement, notification of advancement, etc. is postable. Post the first page of your best script. Post your pitch deck if you’re the kind of type-A graphic artist multi-hyphenate! Generally, post pics or repost content that represents you as a screenwriter. My friend @SvenAnarki, for example, has curated dozens of screenshots of his favorite Noir films. You look at his wall and it's nothing but gorgeous movie stills and his contest laurels.

I mean, sure, those poached eggs on avocado toast certainly deserve to be on the ‘gram, and I don’t think you need to have a separate screenwriting-related account. I don’t. My wall has a lot of laurels and movie stuff, but also my art and works by other artists, graffiti, cool cars, stark urban scenery, horror props, and psychedelia. It’s a visual representation of my “brand.” If your “brand” is avocado toast and duck-face selfies with BFFs then absolutely, do you!

Follow the accounts of industry people you admire (some of my faves: Ridley Scott, Janelle Monet, David Choe, Tom Savini) for inspiration. Final Draft, Coverfly, Network ISA, ScreenCrafting, and other screenwriting-related sites are very active and will often post about networking events, fellowships and other writer-worky stuff you might have missed. Plus when you place in contests, you’ll see your own name in lights!


Facebook I find to be not as helpful for professional networking, but more of a signal amplifier. You can auto-post everything from Instagram and your friends and family can see that, yes, in fact, you are a professional screenwriter. Employers or professional looky-loos will see the same: laurels, writer-related stuff. Keep it sane and curated.

I have found that actual screenwriting-related groups on Facebook tend to be snarky, unhelpful, and downright ugly at times (the same goes for Screenwriting Reddit). If you want to have rage wars with strangers about oxford commas and act breaks, Facebook is your joint. Go nuts.

But wait! Just when I hath slain the 3-headed beast, another monster appears upon the horizon!


If you’ve read this far then you are a true professional who wants to use social media to advance your career in the industry and you DESERVE to know about Husslup.

 Husslup is a new networking site for Hollywood professionals: Screenwriters, producers, managers, actors, directors, crew, and all types of Industry pros. They’re still in their infancy and very exclusive, kinda like Facebook when only Harvard alums were allowed. 

Get on their waitlist. They will vet you. If you are a professional writer you may qualify. By professional, I don't even mean hired, sold or repped. If your Coverfly and ISA profiles are on point, you’ve got a nice stack of scripts and accompanying laurels, and your other social media presences look right, you’ll very likely get past the velvet rope. Every new member gets 5 invites, so maybe a friend will get you on the list. 

In the short time that I’ve been on Husslup, I’ve made a ton of valuable professional connections (confidentiality prohibits specifics, but really good stuff). The community is intentionally small right now but growing. It’s still in “Beta” and iPhone-only at the moment but will be Android and regular internet-friendly soon.  


Social media has created chaos, destruction and the Kardashians, but you, intrepid Screenwriter, can take it back!